Monday, November 30, 2015

Spark (Openfire client) installation (RHEL 6)

Table of content:
1. Spark installation
2. Running spark client
3. Spark administration
3.1 Creating new account from spark
3.2 Adding contacts
3.3 Adding Group
3.4 Conference Chatting
3.5 Broadcasting a message to all
3.6 Setting Status
3.7 Creating profile
3.8 Editing profile
3.9 Plugins
3.10 Creating task list
3.11 Sending a file to the user

1. Spark Installation:
There are .rpm and tar package available. We are installing using .tar package.
Follow the steps:
1. download “spark_2_6_3.tar.gz” package from the website.

2. Extract it.
# mv spark.tar /tmp
# tar -xvf spark_2.6.3.tar.gz
# mkdir /opt/spark
# cp -rf Spark/* /opt/

3. You can run spark from the command line with:
# /bin/bash /opt/spark/Spark
# cd /opt/Spark
# ./Spark

Note: It will configure java automatically but it might show an error
i.e.  cannot access /opt/spark/lib/windows: No such file or directory.

To solve this problem:
# mv /opt/spark/lib/windows64 /opt/spark/lib/windows

Now, run again:
# ./Spark
This time it will run smoothly but you will not get any shortcut for the application on the desktop. So you will have to create it.

4. Creating a shortcut for the application:
 # vim /usr/share/applications/Spark.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=ignite realtime Spark IM client
Exec=/bin/bash Spark

5. To add a logo to your Desktop launcher, open a terminal and enter:
#cd /tmp
# wget

If the above launcher file doesn’t work, do the following:
 # vim /usr/share/applications/Spark.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=ignite realtime Spark IM client

Note: This time we are giving a different file path to execute in the launcher file.

2. Running spark client:
Go to Administrator -> Accessories -> Spark
Client screen will open and now you can use it.

Spark GUI:

Now, you can do 2 things after this:
1. You can login from the already created user in the server using its username and password and server information.
2. You can create a new account from spark client itself.

3. Spark administration:
3.1 Creating new account from spark:
To create a new account from spark, click on “accounts” button.
Give credentials i.e. username, password, server IP or name and click on “Create Account” button.

The new account has been created. Click oK.

Now following screen appears.
Click login button.

The use name will appear with status “online”.

3.2 Adding contacts:
Now, you need to add contact.
Go to Contacts -> Add contact

New screen appears “Add contact”. Give required credentials.
Click Add.

The other user i.e. Deepak is login from another system.
As soon as the user i.e. Rohit adds Deepak in his contacts, a request goes to the Deepak user. The Deepak user has to accept the request.

When user Deepak accepts the request, the same request goes to Rohit user too to accept.
User rohit too has to accept it.

Now both users have added each other and they are ready to chat.
To chat with the other ser, double click on it. A new window will appear.
Now you can start chatting with the user.

3.3 Adding Groups:
Go to Contacts -> Add contact -> New button (just after Group text box).
New roster group window will open. Give new grouo name i.e. Office. Click OK.

Now give user name etc credentials and click Add.

The request will go to the user i.e. Sandeep on another system and he will accept the request.

3.4 Conference Chatting:
Right click on group name i.e. Friends -> invite group to conference.

Now you have to provide a room name, a message which will go to every one you are inviting for the conference chatting, and the list of all the users in that group.
Click Invite.

A new window with the room name will appear as following Showing that it is waiting for the users to accept the request of the conference.

The other user will have to accept the conference request.

The following screen will show all the available or online users for the conference chat.
Now any one can start typing the message which will be received by all.

You can send smiley’s too.

3.5 Broadcasting a message to all:
Right click on a group name -. Broadcast message to group.

In left hand side, give the message.
Click OK.

All the users will get the broadcasted message on their screen.

3.6 Setting Status:
Click on drop down button right under the user name.
You can select the required availability status i.e. online, away, extended away, on the phone etc.

You can set a message too.
Click on “Set a message”.

Give required messages and click OK.

The set status message will be shown.

3.7 Creating profile:
Select Spark -> Preferences

In preferences window, you can explore many setting options i.e. chat, group chat, file transfer, sound, notifications etc.

For example:
File transfer setting options:


3.8 Editing profile:
Spark -> Edit my profile

New window will appear “Profile information”.
Here you can give all of you information i.e. Personal, Business, home etc.
Click Save when you are finished.

3.9 Plugins:
Spark -> Plugins

The plugin window:

3.10 Creating task list:
Click on Accounts -> View task list

You can write here whatever tasks you want to remember.
Whenever you will login, a pop-up window will open showing you notes on the screen.

3.11 Sending a file to the user:
Double click on the user you want to send a file. A new window will open. Look at the right side in the top. Click on the icon.

A browse window will open. Select a file you want to send to the user.
Click Open.

The file transfer request will be sent to the remote user to accept.

Screen which remote user will get.
To get the attachment, user will have to click on “Accept”.

After clicking Accept, the file will be downloaded. You can open that file directly from the chat window if you want.

Or you can open the downloaded file’s folder too.

The success message will appear to the sender user that the file transfer has been completed.